Snow Removal

Keeping Your Property Safe and Clear During Winter Storms
Western New York gets some pretty heavy snow during the winter months, and sometimes even Spring. You’re probably tired of dealing with the exhausting effort required just to get out of your driveway in the morning, or trying to reach a snow-removal company when you really need them. Snow Hill Inc provides reliable snow removal during the cold winter months for residential and commercial customers. Once you’re on our schedule, you’ll never have to worry about getting to work on time again.
Our Services
Our snow plowing services can include the following:
- Residential driveway snow plowing
- Commercial parking lot snow plowing
- Staking of your driveway/parking lot to prevent damage to equipment and property
- Walkway cleanup
- Salting the walkway
Keep Work and Business Running Regardless of Weather
Snowfall and blizzards are just a part of life when it gets cold. There’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning, getting ready for your day and facing a mountain of snow to shovel to get too work.
If you own a business you worry about your customers and employees being able to enter the building. We get 65” inches of snow a year on average. It’s hard to maintain regular operations without a blizzard ruining your work week.
We have the tools to get the job done efficiently and are certified in snow removal (ASCA certification) and snow and ice management (SIMA). Our snow trigger is 2” of accumulation, where we deploy our fleet of plows. We continue plowing though snowstorms until depth is under 2”.
Seasonal Pricing
- Regular driveway plowing starting at $75/visit or $699 for the season.
- Sidewalks shoveling starting at $50/visit or $649 for the season.
- Ask about our 6 month budget billing for snow or year round budget bill for snow and lawn services.
- On-call/one time prices would start as follows:
- Plowing $100.00 for services within 48 hrs or $150 for services within 24 hrs
- Salting. $65.00
- Sidewalks $65.00
Frequently Asked Questions
We have seasonal rates and per visit rates available. Contact us to receive an estimate for your property.
Our scheduled customers will always get their properties plowed first, and then we take new customers as soon as we are able. We strongly recommend you call us in the fall to secure our snow removal service so your property is prioritized during the snow.
Yes, for those who contract with for full service lawn care and snow removal, we offer a service program available at a fixed monthly rate.
Let’s Get Started
Book a consultation with our experienced professionals by calling or completing an appointment form.